Q: Will my taxes go up automatically?A: The reappraised value is set as of January 1. Every year, the Forsyth County manager proposes a budget that includes annual tax rates. The county commissioners are responsible for reviewing and ultimately ratifying the county’s budget. There are public hearings on the budget. State law requires counties to […]
2025 Market Predictions

NEW CONSTRUCTIONInventory is higher than it has been for the past several years, which will make builderscautious and might limit some starts. Expect custom home sales to be busy, but luxuryspeculative home sales to be slower than 2023-2024. Regional builders will increase theirinventory and presence in mid and lower-price points. LUXURY MARKETDemand still outweighs supply […]
Future Home Owner Series (BLOG 3)

DUE DILIGENCE MONEY, EARNEST MONEY& ONE BIG MISCONCEPTION! Contracts can be overwhelming, and confusing, and the NC real estate contract is no diff erent! When“due diligence” language was added to the contract 15 years ago, it took a while for agents and thepublic to digest the change. So, what constitutes the “due diligence period” and […]
Future Home Owner Series (BLOG 2)

Let’s face it, unless you win the lotery, most likely you will get a loan to purchase your first home.Here’s what you need to know! WHICH LENDER DO I CHOOSE? This can be tough. Banks, mortgage lenders, online companies, and builder’s “preferred lender partners” allwant your business. So, where do you start? First, ask your […]
Future Home Owner Series (BLOG 1)

1200 miles of quality time with my 15-year-old “future homeowner” brought me back to the basics of real estate. Growing equity is one of the keys to building wealth. Step one: Buy a home! According to The Currency, financial news, Americans now have 35 trillion dollars in home equity, which equates to about $315,000* per […]
Buyers Agent Role

As a nod to the TV show Law and Order, this story was ripped from the headlines! There is so much talk right now about buyer’s agents, let’s talk about their specific role in a real estate transaction. 1. Helping the buyer find the right home through many channels including through the multiple listing service, […]
2024 New Construction Forecast

Last year, I wondered if new construction would bring us out of the inventory crisis. The answer was then, and is now, NO. But, what should we expect for new construction in 2024? Are the builders still consistent with their new builds, or are interest rate concerns causing them to slow down? I INTERVIEWED 5 […]
Why Move?

Guess what?Interest rates are NOT one of them! 1. Job relocation2. Rightsizing due to a growing family, divorce, or kids headed to college3. Wanting a different neighborhood for amenities, convenience or school districts4. To be near family5. Buying a second home, investment property, or vacation rental If interest rates do come down, buyers who are […]
2024 Market Predictions

Ok, down to business… LUXURY MARKET The luxury market, including homes priced over $1 million, will continue to be red hot. Lots of ALL CASH transactions in this price point! MOVE-UP BUYERThe move-up buyer will do lots of research and need guidance through the buying and selling process. Move-up buyers are most likely to make […]
#1 reason, in 2023, that you SHOULD sell during the holidays!

1. Inventory (the number of homes for sale) is still at historic lows in the Winston-Salem area. Your house WILL stand out! 2. Family and friends visit for theholidays! With so many people working remotely, and many more wanting a second home near family (especially grandchildren) the holidays are a perfect time to introduce your […]