Why buy new?
NEW usually means LOW maintenance. Whether this is your “forever home” or your ” for right now” home, new homes can be very appealing because they are just that — new! There’s nothing to paint, no roofs to replace, and no air conditioner to repair.
Helping friends and clients through the building process has always been one of my favorite parts of real estate. I enjoy helping families design their new homes, whether from the ground up or making minor modifications to existing home designs. (When it comes to interior design, though, you don’t want my advice!)
Build Local.
The greater Winston-Salem area has a dedicated group of local home builders who typically build 5 – 20 homes per year, sometimes more. Most of these local builders are members of the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem, a nonprofit founded in 1959 whose members pride themselves on customer service and dedication to the community.

I have the connections.
I have been fortunate enough to represent several of these builders over the last 20 years, including Forrest Cranfill Construction Co, Isenhour Homes, Ken Capron Builders (a division of Shugart Enterprises), and Arden Homes. A career highlight for me was winning the Platinum Award while representing Arden.
I also am the marketing agent for Salem Glen, Welden Village, and Meadowfield. I work hand in hand with the developers and the builder teams to coordinate new development within all of these new communities. Questions about living in any of them? Contact me today!
I know the process.
Contracts & Forms
Many builders now have their own contracts and addendums and do not use the state form. While there are no "hidden fees" in these forms, it is always a great idea to read through them and to hire an agent who is familiar with them. Understanding the process is the best way to manage expectations during construction.
It has been my experience that all national and local homebuilders provide an express warranty between the builder and the buyer which says that the builder will provide a home in good condition, free of defects, and matching the agreed upon contract documents. In addition, most builders offer a 12-month fit-and-finish warranty and will return after 12 months to complete cosmetic repairs including nail pops and separating moldings.
There are several ways to do this, and the financing options vary per builder. Many of the larger builders require a 5 – 10% non-refundable building deposit and allow closing upon completion of the home. Other independent builders prefer that the buyer "carry the financing" by obtaining a construction loan. In this scenario the builder takes a "draw" when certain stages of completion are met. Both scenarios usually offer some variable closing options. This is one place where a knowledgeable agent (together with an experienced lender) can provide valuable guidance to a buyer.

Let me help you find or build your brand new home!
Complete the form below or give me a call at 336-345-3499 to see if new construction is the right move for you.